blah... Let's get right down to the heart of the matter: With serious dedication to
craft, $20K-$50K a year as an Affiliate Marketer is completely doable.
Although by no means quick and easy, $150K+ is not certainly out of reach.
How can you verifiy this to be true (in a provably fair manner)? Throughout the
2014 Affiliate Summit, over 1,800 Affiliate Marketers were surveyed on their
methods, preferences, and strategies. The results of what they're earning
annually is quite exciting, to say the least.
Affiliate Marketer Annual Earnings
12% earn $100K+
8% earn $50K-$100K
4% earn $40K-$50K
5% earn $30K-$40K
6% earn $20K-$30K
46% earn less than $20K
19% prefer not to answer
With interest in Affiliate Marketing growing by ~17% annually (on the average)
since 2011, the 2015 Affiliate Summit West (Las Vegas, Nevada) proved to be the
largest affiliate marketing conference to ever take place anywhere in the world.
Moreover, literally dozens of countries from around the globe were represented
at the Affiliate Summit West conference. Affiliate marketing is truly becoming a
global phenomena. Here's some other fascinating affiliate marketing stats that
were unearthed from the 2014 Affiliate Summit survey:
Affiliate Marketer Gender & Age Of Majority
67% male / 33% female.
The majority of Affiliate Marketers (55.2%) are between the ages of 25-44.
The peak age is 25-34 years old (32.8%).
Affiliate Marketers Are Real Learners
Nearly two-thirds of Affiliate Marketers (65.1%) have at least some college,
with slightly over two-thirds of those (43.9%) holding a four year bachelor's
45.5% of Affiliate Marketers work from home.
54.6% of Affiliate Marketers have kids and 57.7% are married.
Affiliate Marketers Are Real Earners
Over one third (35%) of Affiliate Marketers earn at least $20K+ annually.
Nearly one quarter (24%) of Affiliate Marketers earn at least $40K+
One out of five (20%) of Affiliate Marketers earn $50K+ annually.
And an impressive 10% of Affiliate Marketers earn $150K+ annually.
Affiliate Marketers Are Web Savvy
When asked what their main methods for driving traffic were, the top three
responses were:
SEO (72.4%)
Blogging (50.8%)
And social media (48.5%)
In a nutshell, they are attracted to affiliate marketing because it satisfies the
“work done for you” philosophy. However, the true Super Affiliates in training
also work on creating their own digital information products; for they know this
is a proven path to Financial Freedom.
On that nore, here's the unbiased lowdown on affiliate marketing as a viable
means of generating an extra 3-5 figures a month:
Affiliate Marketing Pro's & Con's
already has a high degree of credibility makes it a relatively easy sell. It's no
wonder why top Internet Marketers still promote affiliate offerings to this very
day (while making Serious Bank with their own products)... easy money with
minimal effort required.
• Economical: ~$11 for your own domain name (i.e.,
renewed yearly) and less than $10 a month for world-class hosting via, to host your own WordPress-powered blog.
• Flexible: Simply set aside a few hours each week to nurture and grow your
online business.
• Scalable: As your knowledge increases, quickly and easily ramp up your
earning potential; whereby finally allowing you to live the lifestyle you've
always envisioned for you and your loved ones.
While affiliate marketing is certainly easier than attempting a Mike Filsaime or
Jeff Walker-style Mega Launch feat... it's no walk in the park either. The simple
fact of the matter, is that you do have to proactively promote your site, keep the
content fresh and relevant, always over-deliver in real value, and ensure that
your affiliate offerings have a deep connection to the targeted niche.
• Honest Effort: You are growing a real business, not merely entertaining
some hobby. For example, you need to apply reasonable effort to get the
word out about your site. Otherwise, the chances of people even finding
your site are slim to none (much closer to none, actually).
• Learning Curve: Promoting your properly-designed Traffic Funnel (aka
Sales Funnel) is what ensures a steady affiliate income. For example, you
will want to stay abreast on best organic SEO practices, so as to naturally
raise your Google search engine ranking positions (SERPs).
The key to becoming a 5-figure a month Super Affiliate is to remain diligent.
Moreover, it always starts and stops with mastering simple yet powerful time-
proven Traffic Funnel strategies that attract the right people to your site (i.e. the
“ideal customer”). Thusly, you will massively increase your odds of meeting (and
exceeding) your ideal monthly profit target. Pure and simple.
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